Aquatiere Superwater Inline Hose Filter Ceramic Technology Garden Hose Filter
Improves lawn and plant growth Our Garden Hose filter removes chlorine, balances the pH and adds essential minerals to encourage plant and lawn growth.
Removes chlorine Chlorine in childrens outdoor play pools water can cause brittle hair, dandruff, dry skin, and red irritated eyes. Medical studies also suggest that chlorine can agitate pre-existing eczema or asthma. Highly chlorinated water can kill micro-organisms in the soil that are there to protect the plant and its food source.
Kills bacteria (including Staphloccocus aureus) Skin flare ups are created by a common bacteria which enters the top layer of the skin. Ceramet the media within our shower filters kills this bacteria.
Contains Ceramet. Aquatiere filters contain our own ceramic filter media CERAMET which controls bacteria, reduces scale and enhances pH balance.
No plumbing required. Complete with male push fit hose fittings. this filter will fit inline on any standard hose with female push fit endsAquatiere’s Premium Inline Garden Hose Filter.
Fits most garden hoses including fixed heads.
Large media volume for longer life.
New design .
Aquatiere Superwater Inline Hose Filter Ceramic Technology Garden Hose Filter
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